What we offer at Horses and Huskies Patagonia:

Guest Book

What our guests say:


"Dream come true when I could participate on a long horseride trip. I am really glad to do this ride with you, everything exceeded my expectations. Hernan, special thanks for letting me ride your white horse, it was very nice. I am also impressed have you come here 10 years ago and build your Horse and Husky empire from nothing. Glad to meet such brave people! Would love to come back for some husky-time. Wishing you all the best to continue."

Eduardo y Fernando - Brazil

"This is one of the most incredible places that I’ve ever been. And we stopped by luck . Because of the strong wind we could not continue our bike trip. Please keep this place untouched, just as god has created it! Enjoy the nature!!"


"Vielen, vielen Dasnk für diesen umwerfend schönen Ritt! Ein paar Tage lang die Schönheit dieser Welt erleben, auf ruhigen Pferden, super bequemen Sätteln, bestens versorgt durch Dich und Jose, das werde ich nie vergessen. A la proxima!"
